Guidelines for Faculty Requesting Course-integrated Classes


  • First priority for scheduling classes with HSC Librarians is for the six HSC colleges
  • The Biomedical Information Teaching Space (BITS @ HSCL, room C1-21) has a number of computers; some additional participants can be accommodated
  • Librarians can also teach in other locations in the Colleges, if the room is equipped for internet access


  • Liaison Librarians to the Colleges and/or Departments should be contacted for scheduling classes. Other Librarians may be asked by the Liaison to assist in teaching classes
  • Because both room and librarian must be scheduled, it is optimal to contact the librarian as soon as the faculty member determines there should be a library component.
  • Faculty are asked to provide multiple possible dates
  • Classes should be scheduled for a time when students have a related assignment, when possible
  • Faculty will be sent confirmation of the arrangements agreed upon by the Liaison Librarian either by mail or electronically


  • Class content will be developed cooperatively with Faculty and Librarians to suit the particular class
  • An assignment for the students should be mutually agreed on by Faculty member and Liaison Librarian and communicated to students before the Library class
  • A copy of the assignment should be provided to the Liaison prior to the class session


  • Faculty are encouraged to attend the class session to endorse the value of the session
  • Faculty are asked to make class attendance mandatory; HSCL Librarians will take attendance and provide a copy of the list to the faculty member when the sessions are completed