To request a session for your class or group, please contact your College/Department’s Liaison Librarian or call the Reference Department at (352) 273-8408
Types of classes
Course Integrated Instruction
- A specific computer instruction class that usually revolves around a class assignment or project. Approximate time: 1 1/2 – 3 hours
- Guidelines for requesting course-integrated instruction
- A physical or virtual tour of the library. Approximate time: 20-30 minutes
- A computer demonstration of a library’s resource(s). Can be in the library computer lab or at a remote location. Approximate time: Anywhere from 15 minutes – 2 hours depending on the resource(s).
- An overview of the library and its resources. May include a brief tour, then computer instruction with particular focus on the group’s subject area. Approximate time: 1-2 hours
Tips for Faculty – Library Assignments
If it is not possible for you to have library instruction for your class, here are some helpful hints for assignments that require use of the library resources:
- To minimize student frustration, ask your Liaison Librarian to look over your assignment even if it is one you assign every semester. Library resources are constantly changing. Your Liaison Librarian can make sure the appropriate resources are still available.
- If you are assigning one particular book or article that the entire class must read, have the item or copy of the article placed in Course Reserves. This allows easy and equitable access to the material for all students in the class.
- Some instructors tell their students not to use web resources. If you do this, be specific in excluding electronic journal articles. While an electronic journal is in a web-based format, its contents are the same as a print version. Most current journals at the HSC Library are only available electronically.