The Health Science Center Library welcomes reservations from all HSC student groups, faculty and staff.
- Reservations are on a first-come basis.
- Requests can be made within the same calendar year as the event date. Requests for January event dates can be made in December of the previous year.
- The rooms are available for reservations from 8am-5pm, Monday through Friday.
- You will be sent an e-mail confirmation within 2 business days.
- Food and drinks are permitted. Thank you for keeping the rooms clean!
- For special assistance with access (i.e., for people with disabilities), please visit the Information Desk on the first floor.
- For further information or to cancel your reservation, please call the Director’s Office at (352) 273-8400 or use the form below.
Room features
- Biomedical Information Teaching Space (BITS@HSCL) (C1-121): 50 Windows machines with an extensive suite of software, teleconferencing capabilities, EndNote, ABS Browser & Citrix Receiver.
- Collaboration Center (C2-41A): 90” monitor with teleconferencing capabilities, whiteboard walls, wireless keyboard / mouse, large conference table. Room comfortably seats 25.
- Faculty Development Center (C2-41C): : 90” monitor with teleconferencing capabilities, whiteboard walls, wireless keyboard / mouse, large conference table. Room comfortably seats 15.